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Best Push Pull Legs (PPL) Split

Embarking on a journey towards a stronger, more defined physique requires not just dedication, but also a well-structured approach. Among the many workout strategies available, the Push Pull Legs (PPL) split stands as a versatile and efficient way to achieve muscle growth and balanced development. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the facets of the best Push Pull Legs split, dissect its underlying principles, and unveil a detailed workout routine that promises transformative results.

What is Push Pull Legs Split?

What is Push Pull Legs Split

Imagine a symphony where each instrument plays its part with precision, creating a harmonious crescendo. This is the essence of the PPL workout split. Over the span of six days, this regimen meticulously divides workouts into the categories of push, pull, and legs. This approach isn’t merely about exercising; it’s about sculpting a work of art. The push day targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps, the pull day hones in on the back and biceps, while the leg day shapes the lower body. This meticulous segmentation ensures not only balanced muscle development but also a symmetrical and powerful physique.

Best Push Day Exercises

The push day sets the tone for upper body dominance. It’s a canvas where the chest, shoulders, and triceps come alive with strength and definition. Consider these exercises as your artistic tools:

Barbell Bench Press

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 5
  • Engages: Chest, triceps, shoulders
  • Key: The rhythm of controlled movement is your guiding melody.

Dumbbell Overhead Press

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 8
  • Engages: Shoulders, triceps, upper chest
  • Key: Engage your core for stability; let your shoulders shine.

Dumbbell Chest Flyes

  • Sets: 2 | Reps: 12
  • Engages: Chest, front shoulders
  • Key: Visualize the stretch, and feel the chest engagement.

Dumbbell Lateral Raises

  • Sets: 2 | Reps: 12
  • Engages: Shoulders, traps
  • Key: Elevate the weights with control; let your shoulders soar.

Overhead Triceps Extensions

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 8
  • Engages: Triceps
  • Key: Embrace the full range of motion, and feel the triceps contraction.

These exercises form the cornerstone of an impactful push day. They weave together strength and aesthetics, sculpting an upper body that demands attention.

Best Pull Day Exercises

Pull day is where the back and biceps shine, each movement crafting a symphony of strength and grace. These exercises are the notes that compose this harmonious piece:

Barbell Row

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 5
  • Engages: Back, biceps
  • Key: Maintain a strong back posture; let your back muscles dictate the rhythm.

Pull-Ups or Assisted Pull-Ups

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 8 or until RPE 9
  • Engages: Back, biceps
  • Key: Aim for a full range of motion, and embrace the challenge.

Machine Lat Pulldowns

  • Sets: 2 | Reps: 12
  • Engages: Back, biceps
  • Key: Feel the stretch in your lats, engage your back muscles.

Dumbbell Shrugs

  • Sets: 2 | Reps: 12
  • Engages: Upper traps
  • Key: Elevate your shoulders with purpose, hold the squeeze.

Dumbbell Bicep Curls

  • Sets: 2 | Reps: 12
  • Engages: Biceps
  • Key: Maintain strict form, avoid swinging for authentic bicep engagement.

These exercises create a harmonious pull day, carving a back and bicep duo that exudes strength and elegance.

Best Leg Day Exercises

Leg day isn’t just about strength; it’s about building a solid foundation. Each exercise crafts a note in the symphony of lower body power:

Barbell Back Squat

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 5
  • Engages: Quads, hamstrings, glutes
  • Key: Descend with control, rise with power, let your legs lead.

Machine Leg Extension

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 8
  • Engages: Quads
  • Key: Squeeze at the top, feel your quads engage.

Machine Leg Curl

  • Sets: 3 | Reps: 8
  • Engages: Hamstrings
  • Key: Control the movement, avoid momentum.

Calf Raises

  • Sets: 2 | Reps: 12
  • Engages: Calves
  • Key: Rise onto your toes with intention, let your calves contract.


  • Sets: 2, until failure
  • Engages: Core
  • Key: Maintain a straight line from head to heels, feel the core tension.

These exercises compose a symphony of lower body power, sculpting a foundation that supports every fitness endeavor.

PPL Split Benefits

The PPL split offers a multitude of advantages for your fitness journey:

  • Enhanced Muscle Growth and Strength: By targeting specific muscle groups on designated days, PPL optimizes muscle engagement, fostering balanced growth and improved strength.
  • Proportionate Physique: The systematic approach of PPL prevents overtraining and ensures every muscle group receives adequate attention, leading to a proportionate physique.
  • Effective Recovery: Each muscle group enjoys ample rest between workouts, promoting efficient recovery and reducing the risk of injury.

3-Day Push/Pull/Legs Split Routine

The 3-day PPL routine, ideal for those with time constraints, ensures that you make the most of every training session. In this dynamic approach, you’ll rotate through push, pull, and leg days, maximizing muscle engagement and recovery.

  • Day 1: Push
  • Day 2: Rest
  • Day 3: Pull
  • Day 4: Rest
  • Day 5: Legs
  • Day 6: Rest
  • Day 7: Rest

This 3-day routine might be compact, but its impact on muscle engagement and development is far-reaching.

6-Day PPL Routine

For those seeking a comprehensive approach, the 6-day PPL workout split offers a well-rounded solution. Let’s delve into its structure:

  • Day 1: Push – The push day initiates the journey, captivating the chest, shoulders, and triceps in a symphony of exercises.
  • Day 2: Pull – Day two follows with a focus on the back and biceps, enriching the upper body’s aesthetic appeal.
  • Day 3: Legs – Centered around the lower body, the third day delves into the legs, glutes, and abs, establishing a strong foundation.
  • Day 4: Push – The second push day refines the chest, shoulders, and triceps, accelerating their development.
  • Day 5: Pull – Building on the momentum, pull day returns to sculpt the back, biceps, and rear deltoids with precision.
  • Day 6: Legs – The final leg day concludes the routine, infusing power into the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, completing the full-body cycle.
  • Day 7: Rest – A crucial interval for recovery and rejuvenation.

This comprehensive 6-day PPL workout split ensures consistent muscle engagement and recovery, fostering a robust and proportional physique.

PPL Split Execution Tips

When it comes to executing the PPL split, mastery lies in the nuances. Here are some comprehensive execution tips to elevate your performance and optimize your gains:

Form is Paramount

  • Ensure each exercise is performed with proper form. Incorrect form not only diminishes the effectiveness of the movement but also increases the risk of injury.
  • Focus on the mind-muscle connection. Visualize the muscle group you’re targeting and feel the engagement with each repetition.
  • Consider seeking guidance from a fitness professional or trainer to fine-tune your form.

Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Resist the urge to use momentum. Controlled movements ensure each muscle group is truly engaged.
  • Maintain consistent pacing. Rushing through sets, sacrifices form and can lead to suboptimal results.
  • Pay attention to your posture. Poor posture during exercises can strain muscles and joints over time.

Visual Cues

  • Incorporate mirrors into your workout space. They allow you to monitor your form and make real-time adjustments.
  • Record videos of yourself performing exercises. Analyzing your form from different angles can reveal areas for improvement.
  • Utilize workout apps or videos that provide visual demonstrations of proper exercise execution.

PPL vs. Other Training Splits: Which Is Right for You?

Choosing the right training split is like selecting a tailored suit – it should match your body and style. Let’s delve into a deeper comparison between the PPL split and other popular training approaches to help you discover your fitness sartorial match:


  • Pros: Targets multiple muscle groups per session, efficient for beginners and time-conscious individuals.
  • Cons: May lead to overexertion, especially if not balanced properly.

Bro Splits

  • Pros: Bro splits allows dedicated focus on one muscle group, great for those seeking muscle growth and aesthetic gains.
  • Cons: Limited frequency per muscle group, potentially resulting in less balanced development.

PPL Split

  • Pros: Strikes a harmonious balance between targeted engagement and recovery. Ensures consistent muscle stimulation without overtraining.
  • Cons: Requires more frequent gym visits compared to some other splits.

Ultimately, the ideal training split depends on your goals, lifestyle, and preferences. Whether you’re seeking all-around fitness, aesthetic gains, or specific performance milestones, choosing the right split aligns your path with your objectives. Here’s a complete comparison on bro split vs PPL, must read it out.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a Push Pull Legs (PPL) workout split?

The PPL workout split is a training regimen that divides your weekly workouts into three main categories: push, pull, and legs. This approach allows you to target specific muscle groups effectively while ensuring adequate recovery time.

How does the 6-day PPL routine work?

The 6-day PPL routine alternates between push, pull, and leg days across a 6-day cycle. Each muscle group is engaged twice a week, allowing for consistent stimulation and growth. This routine strikes a balance between targeted engagement and recovery.

Is the PPL split suitable for beginners?

While the PPL split can be effective for beginners, it’s important to start with a manageable weight and focus on proper form. Beginners might opt for a less frequent training split initially and gradually progress to a more intense routine.

Can the PPL split be customized for women’s fitness goals?

Absolutely. The PPL split can be tailored to align with women’s fitness objectives. The key is to adjust the volume, intensity, and exercises based on individual preferences. Women can benefit from the balanced muscle engagement and targeted workouts offered by the PPL split.

What is the difference between PPL and other training splits?

The PPL split offers a unique blend of targeted muscle engagement and recovery. Full-body training targets multiple muscle groups in each session, while bro splits isolate one muscle group per session. PPL strikes a balance between these approaches, ensuring balanced development and consistent stimulation.

How important is proper form in the PPL split?

Proper form is paramount in the PPL split. Incorrect form not only diminishes results but can also lead to injury. Focus on controlled movements, engage the right muscles, and consider seeking guidance from fitness professionals or trainers if needed.

Can I integrate other workouts or cardio with the PPL split?

Absolutely. The PPL split can be complemented with additional cardio or accessory exercises to align with your overall fitness goals. Just ensure that the additional workouts do not interfere with your recovery and hinder the effectiveness of the split routine.

Wrapping Push Pull Legs Split

As we draw the curtains on our exploration of the best Push Pull Legs split, remember that you’re not just embarking on a workout regimen – you’re crafting a symphony of strength, balance, and dedication. The PPL split is more than a mere routine; it’s a methodical approach to sculpting a physique that echoes your commitment. By embracing the holistic evolution offered by PPL, you’re stepping onto a transformative path where consistency, precision, and purpose intertwine. As you embark on this journey, remember that every rep, every set, and every day you invest in your PPL routine brings you closer to unlocking your true potential and becoming the conductor of your own fitness symphony.

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