In a recent update, Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, has announced a temporary restriction on the number of tweets users can read daily. The primary motive behind this move is to curb the exploitation of Twitter data by artificial intelligence (AI) companies. Read more.
Per the new restrictions, verified accounts will be limited to reading 6,000 tweets daily, while non-verified users will be restricted to 600 tweets. Additionally, new unverified accounts will have a limit of 300 tweets. However, it is also reported that Twitter users are reporting on this tweet limitation.
Musk explained that this decision was made to tackle third-party platforms’ excessive data scraping and system manipulation. Some users quickly reached their limits after the announcement, leading to “Goodbye Twitter” trending in the United States.
However, Musk did mention that Twitter plans to increase the daily limits soon. Verified accounts may soon have a ceiling of 8,000 tweets per day, while unverified accounts could read up to 800 tweets. New unverified accounts may see an increase to 400 tweets. Musk did not specify the timeline for implementing these changes.
It is worth noting that the previous day, Musk had announced that reading tweets on Twitter without an account would no longer be possible. The excessive data scraping, primarily driven by AI-focused companies, was causing significant traffic issues for the platform. Many companies rely on real-life conversations from social media platforms like Twitter to train their AI models to respond in a more human-like manner.
Elon Musk emphasized that numerous organizations, ranging from startups to large corporations, were aggressively scraping vast amounts of Twitter data. He expressed frustration at allocating additional server resources to accommodate the outrageous valuations of certain AI startups.
Twitter is not alone in grappling with the rapidly growing AI sector’s challenges. In mid-June, Reddit increased prices for third-party developers utilizing its data and extracting discussions from its forums. This move received mixed reactions, as regular users who accessed the platform through third-party platforms were also affected. This pricing adjustment differed from previous practices where social media data was generally provided for free or at a nominal cost.