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HomeBusinessSuccess Secrets We Learned From Hamid Mahmood’s Interview With Get Top Trends

Success Secrets We Learned From Hamid Mahmood’s Interview With Get Top Trends

Born in February 1987 Hamid Mahmood is an entrepreneur who co-founded HTML Pro at a mere 26 years of age. In a matter of a few years, it has grown to become New York’s Top 10 digital agency providing a plethora of digital services. He is also well known in the community for being a great mentor and an enthusiastic public speaker.

 The HTML Pro’s workspace with its marbled floors and decorative lighting has a candescent look that comes to life with the hustle and chatter of a busy Monday. Among all this craziness you can easily spot Hamid bustling about like a busy bee; delegating, communicating, and guiding his peers.

He is known for his air of urgency and efficiency that is evident in every aspect of his work life. This is exactly why scheduling an interview with him was a chore. Hence, he finally managed to pencil me in during the late hours of a Wednesday eve.

The communication we had was enriched with his experience in the industry. Also, we get a glimpse of an embodiment of his overall personality; which can be categorized as one of the reasons behind his drive and success. This is how he described himself when asked about the aspects of his personality.

“I see boundaries as challenges and not something that is meant to restrict you. Every day is a new opportunity to go a little farther beyond the proverbial wall and the best way to broaden your perception is being open to new ideas.”

This is exactly why HTML Pro has an interactive culture based on mutual communication where people are welcome to speak out. Looking from the outside his job seems like a dream where talking to people is all you have to do. Well. the reality is somewhat similar: as the Managing Partner, he has worn many hats in his organization. However, focuses are more towards product production and delivery nowadays.

His endless spirit and energy made me wonder what is it that drives him all day, juggling his work and social life together. On which he gave me an anecdote:

“making people successful is what I strive for, if you empower your stakeholders (whether they be family, friends, or peers) they will flourish with the strength of your trust and good karma

Always pays”.

His outlook on life had the same wholesome approach! 

“Living in the moment, forgetting about the past, and lowering your expectations.”

“One is bound to get invested when you have an organization based on the ideology of individual empowerment but the negatives are always dealt with by keeping a realistic outlook. It is human beings that I am dealing with and they are bound to fall short. So, empower but do not overpower them with the burden of your expectation”

The rules he lives by are not just a product of his experience as an entrepreneur; the reason behind the wisdom and the in-depth understanding of life is a painful one. Hence, the fact was evident from his expression when asked about his childhood memories.

“My mother separated from my father when I was 5 and I have seen the difficult times that come along with single parenthood. The scarcity of the resources and more importantly a void is left when you do not have the strength that comes with a two-parent household.”

“Our mother was the epitome of strength and courage as she raised 2 of my siblings along with working 16 hours a day as a doctor. Nonetheless, she too had to face the hurdles alone.”

These kinds of struggles so early in life, are the reason Hamid began his professional life at the age of 17 (A thing very unusual in the community where he was born & raised).

The job entailed welcoming customers and seating them in a restaurant. However, his elder brother Ahmad Jawad Butt (aka AJ) encouraged him to join a Customer Service Centre. Here, the nature of the job and the career growth led Hamid towards the education and career in Sales & Marketing which then propelled him towards the path of success.


– MBA in Leadership and Management

– Specialist in Accounting, Digital Marketing & Business Strategy

– Certification in Business Strategy, HTML, PHP & Graphic Designing

He acquired his education while he worked full time driven by the thirst for perfection and betterment, as he says:

“I like to hit the top slots & I don’t like anything mediocre”

That is why his resume is strewn with specializations and qualifications across the board apart from his MBA. Reaching up to the experience of 10 years due to his early start and a natural knack for sales and marketing. Besides, Hamid has worked for various renowned organization before setting his mind to having an agency of his own.

Professional History

– International Sales at Ovex Technologies

– Software Business Development & Marketing at Ukraine based Company, PSD2HTML & Shop HTML

– Quality Assurance, Training & BPO Management at Telenor

– Head Business Development and Sales at Kualitatem.Inc

– Project Manager at

“My love for my work garners on the edge of passion, there has never been a day in my life when I have been unhappy working.”

The love and a tad bit of workaholic nature are quite evident from his personality. It is apparent in his demeanor and day-to-day routine as well. He happens to be a perfectionist who believes in empowering the people around him.

This makes him a great leader while taking some burden off his shoulders and also concocting a mutually inclusive organizational culture. However, such kind of work environment and culture was the ideology behind HTML Pro. His fate favored him when he ran into his friend Hanz at a charity event.

Like minds and similar ideologies sparked a friendship that lasted through the journey of setting up an organization and then running it together. Hamid mentions Hanz several times as he reminisces and Hanz’s unwavering support and succor throughout the process.

When questioned about how they came about the idea of an organization Hamid reflects:

“Reverence is something that has been an integral part of our core values and we wanted to incorporate that into an organization. While working I always felt a void, maybe it was the perfectionist in me but I knew I had to do something about it and that’s when I met Hanz and it was like a signal from the universe.”

HTML Pro started as a small web design agency and grew into a digital agency with a wide variety of services. This includes web development, software development, and digital marketing over 5 short years. Apart from all the nitty-gritty, the reason behind the agency’s success was expressed by Hamid in the simplest of words and he spoke for both of them

“We Love Making People Successful”.

He practices his ideology by appearing as a career guide and mentor for budding entrepreneurs and students as he shares with them, the essence of his experience and work. He was delighted when asked to share a few words of wisdom with me too and mentioned that a recent event on Linked In has led him to jot down the points of success for any individual aiming to be an entrepreneur. A few of which are:

– “Not taking the employees as a money-making tool but helping them to excel in their careers so they grow at every step while we earn profits with their excelled experience”

– “Being honest to your employees and customers despite being in unfavorable circumstances”

– “Being respectful to your peers even in the most difficult situations”

Hamid also expresses that

“Self-discovery is a stepping stone to a successful career in life, and you will only discover yourself when you step out of the familiar, the monotonous, and into the unknown. The unknown is where the potential lies!”.

On that inspirational note, Hamid was hauled into an urgent meeting, of course, he has an organization to tend to. But let me tell you that their journey has just begun! The entire team harbors a sense of ownership towards the company, dreaming to grow together in the years to come.

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