Prince Harry will be the first royal since 1890 to testify in open court when he takes the stand in a defamation lawsuit against the publisher of The Mail on Sunday. The trial is scheduled to begin on July 7 at the High Court in London.

The lawsuit stems from an article published in the newspaper in February 2022 that claimed Harry had lied about his reasons for stepping back from royal duties. The article alleged that Harry had secretly offered to pay for police protection in the UK, even though he previously claimed he could not afford it.

Harry is suing the newspaper for libel, alleging that the article caused him “substantial hurt, embarrassment and distress.” He is also seeking damages for the “loss of his reputation and the damage to his standing in the public eye.”

The trial is expected to last for several weeks. It is unclear what the outcome of the case will be, but it is sure to be a major event in the British news cycle.

The case is significant for a number of reasons. First, it is the first time that a member of the royal family has appeared in open court since Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of Clarence, testified in a divorce case in 1890. Second, the case raises questions about the role of the media in the royal family’s affairs. Harry has said that he is taking legal action to protect his reputation and to “stand up for what is right.” He has also said that he hopes the case will help to change the way the media reports on the royal family.

The case is also significant because it comes at a time when the British monarchy is facing increasing scrutiny. In recent years, there have been a number of scandals involving members of the royal family, including Prince Andrew’s association with Jeffrey Epstein and Meghan Markle’s alleged bullying of royal staff. The Mail on Sunday article is just the latest in a series of negative stories about Harry and Meghan.

The outcome of the case is likely to have a significant impact on Harry’s relationship with the royal family and the media. If Harry wins the case, it will be a major victory for him and a setback for the media. If he loses, it will be a major blow to his reputation and could damage his chances of returning to royal duties in the future.

The trial is sure to be closely watched by the British public and the media. It is a case that will have far-reaching implications for the royal family and the media.


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